Marietta Daily Journal interviews M-SPLOST Transit Tax Opponents

On Saturday, Sept. 14, the Marietta Daily Journal published a front-page interview with two representatives of the coaliton working to oppose the M-SPLOST tax increase proposal on the ballot in November.

Lance Lamberton, Chairman of Cobb Taxpayers Association, and Jim Jess, Chairman Emeritus and current Treasurer of Franklin Roundtable, shared their thoughts about why voters in Cobb County should vote NO on the M-SPLOST in November.

Q&A: Cobb Transit Tax Opponents Lay Out Their Case

By Hunter Riggall [email protected]

Jim Jess, right, chairman emeritus of Franklin Roundtable, speaks during an interview with the MDJ as Lance Lamberton, chairman of the Cobb Taxpayers Association, listens.

On Nov. 5, Cobb County will vote on approving a 30-year, 1% sales tax to fund public transit projects. Cobb’s sales tax would increase from 6% to 7%.

The Mobility Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (M-SPLOST) would collect $11 billion to construct 108 miles of rapid bus routes, half a dozen new transit centers and a countywide system of on-demand “microtransit” service.

One of the loudest critics of the proposal is Lance Lamberton, chairman of Cobb Taxpayers Association, an anti-tax group which historically has opposed the regular county SPLOSTs and education SPLOSTs.

The MDJ sat down for an interview with Lamberton and another M-SPLOST opponent, Jim Jess, to hear their case against the tax. Jess is chairman emeritus of Franklin Roundtable, a conservative group with roots in the Tea Party movement.

Read the full interview online here.

Please share this interview with friends, family and neighbors!

And remember these 3 things:

  1. Mobility SPLOST or M-SPLOST is a 1% sales tax increase.

  2. M-SPLOST will make traffic worse by putting more buses on the roads and diverting needed funds from improving our roads.

  3. Vote NO on M-SPLOST.

Election Day is November 5.

Early voting in Cobb County begins October 15.